
What does Brixton taste like? Community workshop

Brixton Exchange 2 was a one-day event led by artists group Anchor & Magnet using creative workshops to discuss and debate heritage, regeneration and loss in the city, that took place on 23rd April 2016. 

I ran a workshop where I asked participants to bring an ingredient that linked them to home, or that linked them to Brixton. We then had less than an hour to cook a three course meal that would join all the flavours each person had contributed. 

Photos © 2016 Katarzyna Perlak

When you are an immigrant, whether you have traveled across seas or simply moved from one tube zone to another to find yourself here, one of the first things that you rely on to find that sense of ‘homefulness’ is food. 

Food is a link to home. It triggers our emotional memory. Smells, tastes, sounds - all the senses wake up when we eat. These senses bring us home. 

Brixton is a food hub. A place where people have build a sense of home through the foods they have brought and shared. A place where food is the centre.

Brixton is changing. And the Brixton food landscape is changing along with it. With gentrification comes a new food landscape. A new food “culture”. New tastes. And this has an impact on who feels at home here. Gentrification is when people lose “home”. Home is not just bricks and mortar. Home is also a sense of belonging. It is about feeling a sense of connectedness with the place you live in.

What does Brixton taste like now? What flavours, what smells have we lost?Which ones could be lost?



Photos by Katarzyna Perlak